The Richmond Consulting Group is a maritime consultant firm resolving technical management and manufacturing challenges involving Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture. This includes the design, construction, and repair of large ships, including shipyard and waterfront production processes. Richmond Consulting has significant experience with government contracts as they relate to Navy and Coast Guard ship design and construction processes. For example the company provided specific program management support for the LHD Amphibious Assault Program, the DDX Destroyer (DDG 1000) and the USCG National Security Cutter. Expert witness experience with government claims and Requests for Equitable Adjustment (REA) representing both government and industry clients. Clients have included Northrop Grumman, U.S. Navy, KPMG Inc., Chrysler, CDI Marine, U.S. Coast Guard Eaton Corp., Worthington/Dresser Rand, Electrolux SA (Luxembourg), Ford, General Dynamics Information Technology, TMA Corporation, Anteon Corporation, Siemens, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Richmond Consulting Group has a significant expert witness practice testifying for asbestos and mesothelioma cases nationwide supporting law firms representing both private individuals and industry clients.
Richmond Consulting Group was established in 1996 and is a Sole Proprietorship with nominal overhead.
